Thursday, March 6, 2014

As a group, we have developed a powerpoint and determined who is going to present which slides.  Today in class we are going to run through it and time it.  We all contributed and feel confident to present

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Our next assignment for Technical Writing is to design a set of instructions.  In my free time, I enjoy riding around on my 4-wheeler's and even going to New Hampshire with them.  For my set of instructions, I am going to teach someone how to operate, in the simplest way, a Suzuki Eiger 400 Semi-Automatic 4-wheeler (similar to the picture below). To me, jumping onto these machines is second nature so writing out detail, step-by-step instructions might be difficult because I am sure there are little things I do without even thinking.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Document Analysis

For ENGL 201, our assignment is to write a 3-4 page paper analyzing some type of document.  I chose to analysize a brochure from the company I work for that informs customers of the new "Balance Rewards Card."  This brochure is colorful, informative and even displays a few different pictures.