Thursday, February 20, 2014

Our next assignment for Technical Writing is to design a set of instructions.  In my free time, I enjoy riding around on my 4-wheeler's and even going to New Hampshire with them.  For my set of instructions, I am going to teach someone how to operate, in the simplest way, a Suzuki Eiger 400 Semi-Automatic 4-wheeler (similar to the picture below). To me, jumping onto these machines is second nature so writing out detail, step-by-step instructions might be difficult because I am sure there are little things I do without even thinking.

1 comment:

  1. Like you Russ, I also enjoy riding four wheelers in my free time. Although I do not have my own, I have spent many hours on various machines throughout the years. I am looking forward to your instructions to see how an avid rider would teach others how to enjoy such an amazing experience.
